Package jopt.csp.spi.arcalgorithm.graph.arc.generic

Class Summary
GenericArc An arc that can have several source and several target nodes.
GenericBoolAndArc Arc representing Z = X and Y
GenericBoolAndReflexArc Arc representing Z[target] and Y = X
GenericBoolArc Base class for generic boolean arcs
GenericBoolConstTargetAndArc Arc representing Z and X = y
GenericBoolConstTargetOrArc Arc representing Z or X = y
GenericBoolConstTargetXImpliesArc Arc representing Z -> X = y
GenericBoolConstTargetXorArc Arc representing Z xor X = y
GenericBoolConstTargetYImpliesArc Arc representing X -> Z = y
GenericBoolEqThreeVarArc Arc representing Z = (X == Y)
GenericBoolEqTwoVarArc Arc representing Z <- A, Z <- ^A, ^Z <- A, etc where if right side of the equation evaluates to true, the left side must evaluate to true.
GenericBoolImpliesReflexTwoVarArc Arc representing A <- Z
GenericBoolImpliesThreeVarArc Arc representing Z = X -> Y
GenericBoolImpliesTwoVarArc Arc representing Z <- A
GenericBoolImpliesXReflexArc Arc representing X = Z -> Y
GenericBoolImpliesYReflexArc Arc representing X = Y -> Z
GenericBoolOrArc Arc representing Z = X or Y
GenericBoolOrReflexArc Arc representing Z or Y = X
GenericBoolXorArc Arc representing Z = X xor Y
GenericConstraint2BoolArc Assigns a boolean node to be equal to the result of an constraint
GenericNumAbsArc Constraint representing |Ai| = Zj and |a| = Zi, etc
GenericNumAbsReflectArc Constraint representing |Ai| = Zj and |a| = Zi, etc
GenericNumAcosArc Arc representing Zi = acos(Xi)
GenericNumArc Base class for use by generic arcs that are based upon nodes stemming from generic indices
GenericNumAsinArc Arc representing Zi = asin(Xi)
GenericNumAtanArc Arc representing Zi = atan(Xi)
GenericNumBetweenArc Arc representing Z is within a range [min..max] or (min..max], etc.
GenericNumCosArc Arc representing Zi = cos(Xi)
GenericNumDiffArc Arc representing Zi = Xi - Yi, Zi < Xj - Yi, Zi > Xj - Yk, etc.
GenericNumExpArc Arc representing Zi = asin(Xi)
GenericNumLogArc Arc representing Z = logX(y), Z = logX(Y), etc.
GenericNumNatLogArc Arc representing Zi = asin(Xi)
GenericNumPowerArc Arc representing Z = X^y, Z = X^Y, etc.
GenericNumProdArc Arc representing Zi = Xi * Yi, Zi < Xj * Yi, Zi > Xj * Yk, etc.
GenericNumProdReflexArc Arc representing Zi = Xi / Yi, Zi < Xj / Yi, Zi > Xj / Yk, etc with special multiplication-related behavior.
GenericNumQuotAlternateArc Arc representing Zi = Xi / Yi, Zi < Xj / Yi, Zi > Xj / Yk, etc with multiplication- and division-related behavior.
GenericNumQuotArc Arc representing Zi = Xi / Yi, Zi < Xj / Yi, Zi > Xj / Yk, etc.
GenericNumQuotReflexArc Arc representing Zi = Xi * Yi, Zi < Xj * Yi, Zi > Xj * Yk, etc with special division-related behavior.
GenericNumRangeArc Base class for arcs that restrict numbers to a range
GenericNumRelationArc Arc representing Zi = Ai, Zi < Aj, Zi > Aj, etc.
GenericNumSinArc Arc representing Zi = sin(Xi)
GenericNumSquareArc Arc representing Zi = Xi^2, Zi < Xj^2, Zi > Xj^2, etc.
GenericNumSquareReflexArc Arc representing sqrt(Xi) = Zi, sqrt(Xi) < Z, etc with special square-related behavior
GenericNumSumArc Arc representing Zi = Xi + Yi, Zi < Xj + Yi, Zi > Xj + Yk, etc.
GenericNumSummationArc Arc representing Z < summation(Ai, i in [1..100]) etc.
GenericNumSummationReflexArc Arc representing summation(Zi, i in [1..100]) < A etc.
GenericNumTanArc Arc representing Zi = tan(Xi)
GenericNumTrigArc Base class for generic trig arcs such as Cos, Sin, NatLog, etc.
GenericSetArc Abstract base arc for generic set arcs
GenericSetNullIntersectionArc Arc representing null-intersection of source nodes
GenericSetUnionAdvancedFilterArc Arc that further filters target nodes of a union based on the knowledge that when only one node contains a possible value that is required in the union, it must also be required by that node.
GenericSetUnionIntersectFilterArc Arc that further filters target nodes of a union based on the source union and and an intersection of the targets